Fellows mentioned in this story: Josh Wisch
From Hawai‘i Business Magazine:
Josh Wisch has a dream– a thriving Hawai‘i working class – that was initially driven by watching his parents work multiple jobs in rural Ohio just to make ends meet.
“At one point, they were working four jobs between the two of them,” he says.
He first advocated for policy change in high school as part of a student group pushing a tax levy so teachers could get a pay raise.
“We got ourselves on local TV, interviewed in local newspapers, put a ‘Pass the Tax Levy’ float in the homecoming parade, and had a massive rally in the high school gym the night before the election.”
The tax levy passed by just 44 votes. “I saw you actually can make a difference in politics, and every vote really does matter.”
Continue reading at HawaiiBusiness.com.
Hawai‘i Public Radio — Pacific Islander migrants from nations that have treaties with the United States are now eligible for assistance with food, housing and other federal benefits that they've been denied for decades.