The Hawai‘i Leadership Forum is dedicated to broad and durable improvements across Hawai‘i.
New dynamics are altering what successful leaders will need in the future: global affects local, technology makes information ubiquitous and instantaneous, and impact networks work alongside hierarchies. For Hawai‘i to prosper, we need to develop new leadership skills and new cadres of leaders.
Toward that end, the cornerstone program of the Hawai‘i Leadership Forum—Omidyar Fellows—is designed to enhance connections among leaders and improve their desire and capabilities to mobilize communities and organizations who can create these broad and durable improvements across Hawaiʻi.
For more information, please visit the Hawaiʻi Leadership Forum website.
Hawai‘i Leadership Forum Board of Directors
Cathy Luke
Jennifer Sabas
Kelvin H. Taketa
Sunshine Topping